It was a time of hard work and finally… here it is! It’s a great pleasure to welcome you in a new space on our website!
My name is Kamil and I am the CEO of CONSBIM. A structural designer by education, who fell in love with digital art. I created this space to be able to share with you the content that is close to my heart. I would like to show you a world where art and engineering blend together to solve your problems! Our solutions are based on Autodesk, Unreal and Blender software in order to provide you with the answers you are looking for. The goals you achieve will give you a positive experience, not only because you achieve them, but above all because of the way you will explore with us.
We want to take you on a journey through our world. We will show you how we use the latest technological solutions to achieve what was previously impossible. BIM methodology in construction solves the problem of this industry being the only one without prototyping until now. VR and Ray Traceing solutions in digital art allow us to make these prototypes have more life than a simple mock-up, and the experience of interacting is of the highest level. This is just a tiny seed of what we’d like to tell you about, and I’m glad we’ll now have the opportunity to do so!
As CONSBIM we always approach a problem out of the box looking for answers to popular questions! We ask “WHY?” to find out the idea behind the author, we want to know the essence of the problem we are addressing. Thanks to this we will answer the question “HOW?” we will find the best track to the goal. We will choose the perfect tools so that the “WHAT?” will be the perfect solution.
Are you curious how it is possible to combine science with such abstract art? Technical drawings have always been associated with something analytical and precise, something that is hard to argue with (although sometimes we try really hard!). The other side of the coin is art – colours, light, textures, materials and above all a very emotional and personal perception.
If you wanted to convince your client of your design idea what would you do? Would you show him the drawings? How would you explain to a person who is not in your industry, doesn’t feel the way you do what the lines on the paper mean? You’re probably guessing that this person might be trying to imagine it. Furthermore, your client is currently facing a decision. A decision he doesn’t fully understand, can’t see, and isn’t sure if what he’s agreed to will have the effect he dreams of. After all, everyone would like to hear at the end – this is the best investment I’ve made!
But will an abstract image help him? You present him with interiors at their best, often unrealistic (like the sun coming through the windows in the north wall), based on furnishings that exist only in your head and your ready-made default models stored somewhere on a disk. You convince him with this image, but now answer the question – are you able to provide him with it?
In the near future I will try to introduce you to our capabilities, techniques and show you new technologies. I would like you to understand it and use it to improve your results!
What if we met somewhere in the middle? LET US MEET THERE TOGETHER!